Is there a 'best time of year' to start a business?
No time like the present. However, if I started my business over again, I would have everything prepared before, i.e. stationery, templates for orders, contracts, insurances etc. – the whole package.
How do I ensure I stay inspired, and don't burn out?
Walking. Being in nature and taking time away from the phone/computer etc. is like a meditation – it clears my head. Travelling is also a great inspiration. Every three years or so I try and go on a ‘once in a lifetime’ trip. Last November I went to Japan for three weeks – utterly and totally inspirational.
How do I get my first client?
Network, network, network. Let everyone know what you are doing. Talk to everyone you meet and always keep your business cards to hand. Don’t be afraid to ask.
Are there any particular pieces of technology I need before launching my design start-up?
Preferably be proficient in Vectorworks or CAD, InDesign and Photoshop – all of which I am learning to do and currently have to employ people to do for me. I think I must be of the last generation to study interior design and have to draw only by hand.
Currently I am in the process of setting up a YouTube channel and Q&A on Instagram … watch this space :). It would be good to diversify and reach a different audience.
Is there a right and wrong way to source suppliers?
Be creative and visually open–minded, keep your eyes and ears open. I am always looking for new suppliers and new or unusual items to use in projects. I use the camera on my phone to capture unexpected things I’ve seen as I move around town and to take screenshots when leafing through magazines, etc. Instagram, Pinterest and the Sunday supplements are all useful resources.
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