So you’re a brilliant designer, but are you working in a way that suits your lifestyle?

Starting a new business is exciting. So exciting, in fact, that it can quickly become all consuming. In those heady first months, putting your fledgling company above all else can feel like a privilege rather than a problem. As you navigate your way through the thrills of your first client, your second client, your incoming payments and all of the other signs that you’re on the fast track to success, it becomes easier to neglect your duties outside the studio. As long as your dream of furthering your design career is starting to come true, nothing else matters. Right?

At Camberyard, we believe in balance. And while establishing your brand is important, so is the rest of your life.

Picture this: A couple have just bought a home. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room, a large kitchen, two living rooms and a basement. They want to begin work on it immediately, and decide to hire an interior designer. Instead of working room by room, the couple throw themselves into renovations, and try to do everything at once. Before they know it, they don’t have time for anything but their house. They’re tired, they’re rushed, and they’re unable to make informed decisions.

As their designer, what would you have them do? Adapt their plans to focus their vision room by room, working at a more leisurely and manageable pace? Or continue their race to the finish line, potentially sacrificing quality and peace of mind? What you decide for this client is what you should do for yourself. Namely: slow down.

Maintaining work-life balance is one of the hardest things to do in modern business, but it can be done. To organise your calendar to suit your lifestyle, consider these points:


At the end of your working day, where do you find yourself? Spending quality time with the people you love, or getting a head start on tomorrow’s workload? If your answer is the latter, it might be time to re-evaluate. As important as your interiors studio is, your family and friends are equally vital. If you want to find the time, but struggle with spontaneity, try pencilling a few hours dedicated to socialising into your diary. Book a dinner, go for a walk, meet for coffee – whatever it takes to keep your relationships alive. Don’t focus so much on your professional life that you miss out on the little things that make up your personal life. You may live to regret it.


Inspiration strikes at the strangest times, often when we are relaxed, and have stepped away from the task at hand. If you are worried that continuing your hobbies while developing your studio is a waste of time, think again. Creativity is at its finest when you immerse yourself in real life, away from the computer screen. So go out, have fun, and reap the benefits when your work day begins.


As well as causing issues in your personal relationships, neglecting the ‘life’ side can be harmful to your overall wellbeing. A work-life imbalance can cause stress, anxiety and depression. A lack of perspective can also lead to poor quality output, doing your business more harm than good. Take time for yourself, work the hours you are comfortable working, and factor in what is important on a personal, as well as a professional, level. With good time-management, you can get just as much done using a more balanced approach as you would working every hour of the day. Remember, you only get one life - enjoy it.

Click below to get our useful checklist for working in a way that suits you


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